Now Booking 2025 + 2026 Weddings 

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Courtney & Ben

When I met this couple in a small coffee shop in Des Moines, I knew we were a great fit!  Courtney & Ben are the sweetest couple ever! We had a great laugh because I am completely non directional and actually passed the small coffee shop where we were to have our meeting. However, I decided to park and walk up to where I believed I missed the turn.  Upon walking up to the cluster of small shops, I stopped at one of them to inquire if they knew which of the shops was the coffee shop.  Their reply was, “there is no coffee shop, you should eat here.”  I decided to walk down from this shop and sure enough there they were in the supposedly non-existent coffee shop right down from the shop I just left!  We had quite the laugh over that one. Courtney & Ben will be married on December 7, 2019.  Winter weddings are the best and with this gorgeous couple and I can’t wait to photograph their wedding day!
